Scientific Method:

- My hypothesis is that the
acid and chemicals in vinegar (acetic acid) and the chemicals in baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) when mixed  will cause a reaction that will inflate the balloon.

- After doing my experiment, my results were that when vinegar mixes with baking soda the reaction will cause the gas particles to inflate the balloon on its own. The baking soda and the vinegar create an acid-base reaction and the two chemicals work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide) Gasses need a lot of room to spread out and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the bottle, and then moves into the balloon to inflate it.

What might have caused the reaction to stop?

Your reaction stops when you run out of reactants. The reactants were baking soda and vinegar. When one of these is used up completely, the reaction will stop.


1. Does the size of the bottle affect how much the balloon fills?
- Yes, you don't want to use too much or too little of baking soda or vinegar because that will effect your experiment. If your bottle is large, you would use more. If your bottle is small you would use less.

2. Can the amount the balloon fills-up be controlled by the amount of vinegar or baking soda?
Yes, if you don't use the right amount of vinegar or baking soda the balloon will not inflate, if you use too much it can pop.